Stranger Able Diva sent to save my son by The Almighty
24th May 2011
The Background
I left my country Kenya on 14th May 2011. I reside in Nairobi, working with smallholder farmers in several locations in the country. I am a graduate of Michigan State University (PhD Agricultural Engineering (Farm Power and Machinery, 1987).
I was put on Planet Earth by the Almighty, to empower and bless resource-poor rural Africa entrepreneurs applying themselves in innovative businesses across Conservation Agriculture value-chains – from farm to market. I left Nairobi with three main missions this May.
1) to understand why my son, an able student had been having a continuous decline in academic performance for the last three years, a situation that has gotten worse since he joined Faculty of Engineering, University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada.
2) to attend The Authority Formula Entrepreneurs (3-day) Conference in Denver, Colorado, hosted by SimpleWealth Inc. under the Theme: Engage Today: Empowering Entrepreneurs to Achieve Freedom Without Compromise. Attending the U2 concert (a Group grossly admired by my son) on May 22nd, was a bonus addition, aligned to match the conference by The Almighty.
3) to attend the Solar Power training course in Germany between May 30th and June 11th, 2011 – on my way back home.
I arrived at UBC to find a son who was visibly excited to have me around. He met me at the airport with a gift in his hand. At UBC, we spent time talking heart to heart, going to see his Academic advisors etc. We spent much time talking about the present and the past visit we had here as a family in December 2010 etc. etc. What remained clear was my son was different from one day to the next, appearing to have a dark side that occasionally caught him in deep reflection, a noticeable trait as one talked to him. All in all, we had a happy reunion, getting busy by Day 3 of my visit, in preparation to leave for Denver.
As a parent, I could not help noticing in the 3 days together that my son had grown in a lot of ways. In Africa we say, (like a chick), if you want a son to grow, get him from under the wings of the mother! My son Munene was visibly proud to teach me how to catch buses at UBC. He was happy to take me to places where I would buy us dinner, one evening after the other. The talks were ever deeper but I could tell and he somewhat admitted that a narrowly veiled curtain (present even in December 2010), cut out the true connect, sometimes bringing out the negative energy he has appeared to harbor over a long time now.
Munene was always a son who was very selective of the company he kept, appearing to struggle with finding and keeping more than a single or two close friends. As parents we have always found the need to ask our son about himself as we directed him on how to be happier and more in control of happenings. Our son would occasionally produce tantrums of deep hunger and at the same time, apparent frustration. Since coming to UBC we had observed that, now that he was on his own, he could close communication by not answering his phone or appearing at the scheduled Sunday Evening Skype call. His brother who is at IMG Soccer academy in Florida and University of Miami would show up at the love-call, without fail, sending apologies in advance or after, when schedules would not allow the call to go on.
Kimathi, his younger and only sibling (brother) was once a victim of Munene’s unpredictable ‘explosions’. The mother and I were occasionally frustrated by lost efforts at trying to be good and humble loving advisors. Words of advice were often met with a harsh look and harsh statement, like from one who is not listening. He would act like he is in control, disrupting you, before you finish a second sentence. Despite apologies that would come no less than a day later, one would feel and wonder what exactly was going on.
It is hard for a parent to feel free when they are sure they are not in the know, regarding their teenage son, let alone one living alone at 19 in a foreign land. A locked mobile phone, not even set-up to take messages, plus an unpredictable no-show behavior at the Sunday evening Skype love-calls was always hard to take, particularly so, for Munene’s Mom. This is the Mom who would have wanted to accompany him and settle him on arrival at UBC. As a man in development, he came alone and he felt like a hero, but there was always a but…
In Comes the Diva
Notice, above, I have been talking of our son and his happenings in the past tense. This is because this last week was magical in every way and our son, (see below) is a completely different person, as I write.
In Denver, it was a busy entrepreneurs’ conference. We had a late session on Day One, May 19, 2011. We were already loaded with shock regarding how spiritual the persons present at this conference were. It was not the bunch of money-concious gurus we had prepared to be around. We were sincerely not expecting the love that was in the air and in every sentence. Not from this lot, many of whom were self-made millionaires by age 35!
Long story short, we were in awe of how well we had been received, a father and his 19 year old son all the way from Africa! To crown the first day’s warm events, we sat at a late dinner, bringing tables together to sit in a group. We soon learnt we were on an after-hours dining process. Nevertheless we were exchanging with a passionate and friendly over-worked waiter who did not let us notice, in case he was struggling to keep those in the kitchen (working late) as passionate as he was.
To occupy the sit between my son and I, arrived, from nowhere a fast talking and confident American lady. She would not put her hand bag off her shoulder, carried away and excited to exchange with this young African man. After I managed to catch-up with what she was about, I noticed she was talking good stuff for a son that needed to feel he belongs, among senior investors.
Long story short, my son and this person (who I later learnt was The Diva) connected in deepest of ways. When I caught-up with the Diva (aka Suzanne Kellner-Zinck of Dawning Visions) I learnt that she was a Hypnotist, a word that for me read like the African Witch!
Long story short: I learnt by bed-time that my son Munene had quickly gained respect of the Diva. They later talked a lot. By the end of the following busy and great learning day, around the peripheries of the Conference cocktail, Munene was hypnotized! I am sure it was a good experience since after the session, he ran to tell me about it, bearing a broad smile. I eventually left him thoroughly engaged with adults in the cocktail hall, smiley and warm. He later showed up in our posh 2 Queen bed Suite of the Embassy Suites Hotel, located near the 40 foot tall Blue Bear that curiously looks down into the Denver Convention Centre. All too tired we fell asleep quickly, both of us still dazed by the happenings of the day.
It’s only Day 2
In the morning I saw a smile on my son’s face, one that I will never forget. I say this probably because of the statement that accompanied the smile: “I feel younger today!!” Wow! That, from a young man who had been mostly dull, or cold in a general sense.
We went through yet another day of great learning. After coffee break, the speaker at the gathering was John Assaraf a Guru and Billionaire of The Secret movie and a hero of Munene’s Mom. Munene is very familiar with Assaraf’s role in the movie. His Mom has used many examples from his teachings to strengthen her son. For some reason John’s session hit my son very hard. Seated next to me he whispered that he was not feeling well. I quickly thought of food poisoning or probably some Asthma attack, but it was none of these. I inspired him to stay on till Lunch Break when we would get some reprieve and more input from the Doctor and newly found buddy, The Diva. He promised to remain strong.
For the rest of the session he was like someone in a daze, looking like he was nursing a harsh headache. He assured me it was psychological, not clinical.
At lunch break the Diva came over and we both encouraged my son. She reminded him of a pending exercise, ‘writing down your feelings”! Munene chose to write them, there and then. I got the feeling the Diva knew that this would help as part of his healing. As he got down to writing, I went with the Diva for lunch. It was time to help her understand more about Munene’s background. I was already impressed with how true the aspects she had discovered about Munene’s upbringing were. Things had moved too fast and my son was definitely overwhelmed about the changes happening in him, not to mention his presence at an event of successful, inspiring and warmly spiritual adults. I suspect it was the presentation by Mr. Assaraf that “broke” Munene’s back! Indeed he talked about understanding the human mind, the conscious versus the subconscious levels, habit changing and how life is not supposed to be difficult, if only we do not let our minds control us etc. etc. The Diva had talked about the same, calling it by its medical practice name “hypnosis”. Both were about reaching and changing the sub-concious mind. I now understand that Munene’s problem had everything to do with his mind and the topic touched him deeply, to understand a situation that somewhat “confused” if not “scare” him.
At lunch the Diva explained that my son’s treatment of the previous day was incomplete and the talk by his mother’s Guru about a subject matter around which he had “failed” his Mom, hit him hard. This was deep stuff. Interestingly and according to the Law of Attraction, Munene’s mom called on my cell phone as I was meeting the Diva. The Diva got to tell her patient’s Mom about process in person, albeit briefly.
In the afternoon after closure of the Conference the Diva fortunately found a couple of hours to hypnotize Munene again, a chance to complete the job. I attended this session and played an active role. Right in front of my eyes and talking from the subconscious mind, I witnessed my son confront a kindergarten molestation he had had. I witnessed the process of him bringing it all to the current day and telling off the molesters. He was directed to point out what was wrong with harbouring bad feelings as much as stating what was the good learning he had from both experiences. I saw my son breath very hard as he literally extracted the bad feelings from the past and “burnt them in a pit”. He went on to receive my assurance and my hugs while he was still in the deep level state. When he “woke-up” after one and a half hours, my son was made to read what he had written down about his life experience. I must say it sounded very poetic, bringing out a level of literacy skills I had not known my son to have. I also noticed that while hypnotized my son was more fluent than usual. This was an awesome experience for me and definitely for my son as well.
Again, to cut a long story short, I have personally, and since the treatment witnessed the changes in my son. It’s only a few days since this wonderful support process by this amazing Diva. This is an Angel that only the Almighty can claim credit for bringing into my family. I have noticed the son that I once knew at 4 years old. Regaining confidence. He will soon be what I knew of him: able to sing in public, able to take criticism, able to maneuver through complex problem solving, assembling complex Engineering structures on Lego, if not self-made castles on the sands of Mombasa beach, etc.
I believe I am not mistaken or trying to see what I want to see in my son. He himself has told me the changes about what he is feeling, regaining a bounce to see the current and dream about a bright future. Late last evening I wrote the following personal email to the Mom (My Wife Rachel), of which I am willing to share for other parents to learn. She is 9 hours ahead of UBC time:
Hi Raay,
With all the ongoing I promise to put this material and more in a book, for the world to read. It is the only way I can thank nature, (The Law of Attraction), and The Almighty for bringing love, change and confidence, so deserved by our 19 year old. I have come to learn that this young man was a walking confusion, living with the fears of a 4 year old but yearning to be with those older than him. These were the ones he could trust. Not age-mates that he lost trust for, way back in kindergarten. This is truly a new beginning and as a family we are totally blown away. Long live the Diva and her type, who are willing to shower one more soul with love and impact, for a better world.

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