What Have You Been Through Just to be Able to Follow Your Dream or Passion?
What Have You Been Through Just to be Able to Follow Your Dream or Passion? - Vol 567, Sept. 25, 2020 This question came from a Quoran (a forum where…
What Have You Been Through Just to be Able to Follow Your Dream or Passion? - Vol 567, Sept. 25, 2020 This question came from a Quoran (a forum where…
What do You Want People to Know? Vol. 566 - Sept. 17, 2020 A person on Quora asked me this question. Quora is a forum where people from around the…
How Can I Let Go Of What My Psychiatrist Has Said? What is The Psychiatrist's Problem? - Vol. 564, Sept. 3, 2020 This was a question that someone on Quora…
The Frustrations Beyond a Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes - Vol. 560, August 6, 2020 As I have been working to build my new free private Facebook group for Men…
A few years ago I lost my best friend from college due to heart disease secondary to his type 2 diabetes. Though he had many other health issues, heart disease…
It is Possible to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes! I wanted to send you a quick email to let you know that I am starting a group specifically for helping men…
Is it helpful to get therapy when one isn't experiencing life's problems? Vol. 552, June 11, 2020 This was a rather interesting question that someone asked me on Quora because…