Category: Uncategorized

Censorship Is Real When It Comes To Your Health

I never thought that I would see the day when experts in the field of health would be censored by those who believe that they have the power to shut others up, and yet this is what is going on as I type this message to you this morning.  Listen, I come from a family …

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How Can I Overcome My Resistance to Hypnosis? Vol. 582, Feb. 11, 2021

This is a question that many people have including the person on Quora who asked it. Here I give the reasons for anyone to have resistance to hypnosis and what to do about it. Hi, As a hypnotist for over 20 years, I can tell you that there are only 3 reasons why a client …

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Is Personal Disclosure Detrimental to the Therapeutic Relationship – Vol. 581, Feb. 4, 2021

This is a question that a person on Quora asked which I believe is both very interesting and helpful for anyone who is seeing a therapist to understand. Here is how I answered the question: I am not a licensed mental health person, so I am answering it from the point of view of a …

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How Do You Deal With People Who Are Unaware of How Their Behavior Upsets Others? Vol. 580, Jan. 28, 2021

This was a question that a person on Quora asked me. This is something that many people could use more insight to better understand. This is how I answered the question: To tell you the truth most people have no idea how their actions and ignorant statements affect others, you and me included. My standard …

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Being Able to Make An Informed Decision Regarding the Vaccine

Unfortunately we find ourselves in a complex world where certain people feel that they have the right to misdirect us and force us to take actions that may not be in our best interest.  If you are interested in learning what many very respected medical professionals are not being able to share with you these …

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Is There A Way to Trigger Repressed Memories Without Seeing a Therapist – Vol. 579, Jan. 21, 2021

This was a great question from a person on Quora and something that I do believe many people may have a concern. Here is how I answered the question:   I will do my best to answer your question as a hypnotist that works with repressed memories in my practice (only for 19 years now!). First …

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How Can I Always Be Happy- Vol. 578, Jan. 8, 2021

This was a question from someone on Quora had asked in the exact manner in which I titled the post. It is a question that I get fairly often from Quorans, so is worth posting on the weblog. This is how I answered the question: Thanks for the question. Happiness is certainly something that comes …

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