Category: Podcast: “Claim Your Excellent Life”

"Claim Your Excellent Life" is a podcast available on both ITunes and Stitcher Radio which focuses on teaching professional women how to achieve happiness while contending with overworked, frustrating lives. Hosted by Master Hypnotist, Suzanne Kellner-Zinck on a weekly bases, the show explains what self esteem is and how to have it, how to relax and most importantly, how to have GREAT relationships. Download them from ITunes or Stitcher Radio Now.

007: Why do I always feel like their is a cloud over my head? 9 ways to overcome this dreaded feeling.

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Episode #7 Why do I always feel like their is a cloud over my head? 9 ways to overcome this dreaded feeling. In this episode Suzanne will explain why people feel so overwhelmed by life and how to figure out if this is something you can turn around on your own and when it is …

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006: Will I ever meet the partner of my dreams? 9 Ways to Rethink What You Need to do to Attract Them

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Episode #6 Will I ever meet the partner of my dreams? 9 Ways to Rethink What You Need to do to Attract Them In this episode Suzanne will explain 9 ways to rethink what you need to do to attract the partner of your dreams.  

005: Why do I always self-sabotage and 9 ways to overcome it.

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Episode #5 Why do I always self-sabotage and 9 ways to overcome it. In this episode Suzanne will explain why people have a habit of sabotaging themselves and will give you some practical ways to overcome it.  

004: 10 Ways to Build Self-Confidence?

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Episode 4 10 Ways to Build Self-Confidence? In this episode Suzanne will answer the question of what is self-confidence. She will then will describe 10 ways that you can increase your self-confidence.  

003: Why do I always attract mates who are bad for me?

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Episode #3 Why do I always attract mates who are bad for me? The most important thing that one can know about building a healthy primary relationship is to realize that the person that is called in is there to help you grow. Usually that person will be a conduit to helping you to see …

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002: Why Don’t I know How to Relax?

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Episode #2 Why Don’t I know How to Relax? Many years ago I found myself running around constantly busy doing things thinking that this would get me ahead. Why? Because we live in a society here in the United States that tells us that to be successful we have to be constantly focused on where …

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001: Why Is It So Hard For Me To Be Happy?

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Why Is It So Hard For Me To Be Happy?     Released: August 26, 2013 Description: Why is It So Hard For Me to Be Happy? Suzanne will discuss how to stimulate your endorphins while decreasing your adrenaline to help you have a happy state of being.  Suzanne introduces the new podcast “Claim Your …

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