“Claim Your Excellent Life” is a podcast available on both ITunes and Stitcher Radio which focuses on teaching professional women how to achieve happiness while contending with overworked, frustrating lives. Hosted by Master Hypnotist, Suzanne Kellner-Zinck on a weekly bases, the show explains what self esteem is and how to have it, how to relax and most importantly, how to have GREAT relationships. Download them from ITunes or Stitcher Radio Now.
028:Letting Go Of Judgment
We’ve all heard that we shouldn’t judge others. Learn what judging others could say about you.
027:Risk Taking For a Fulfilling Life
Playing it safe doesn’t always lead to the happiest life
026:Character According to Confucius
Learn about an ancient eastern test for judging character
025:Why Am I Getting Fat?
Discover more about the psychological, physical and social factors that contribute to obesity and what you can do about it.
024:Finding My Right Work
Work consumes such a large portion of our lives that it is critical to make the correct decisions for our own happiness. Learn some methods that will guide you down…