Blog posts on happiness

What Makes For A Great Day For Me? The unfolding of a beautiful healing client session Vol. 565, Dec. 30, 2021

Do you know what makes for a spectacular day for me? It's having client sessions that bring about beautiful learnings with healthy new perspectives demonstrating the letting go of past…

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Is it possible to stop hating and subsequently loving oneself if one realizes the unconscious love and longing for e.g a hated parent that physically punished and emotionally neglected you? Vol. 537, October 28, 2021

This is a very important question because I recognize that most of my clients become my clients because of self-hatred which is something that they learned along the way.   I…

Continue ReadingIs it possible to stop hating and subsequently loving oneself if one realizes the unconscious love and longing for e.g a hated parent that physically punished and emotionally neglected you? Vol. 537, October 28, 2021