Living An Inspired Life Brings You Back To Life -Vol. 253, April 10, 2014 Over the years I have treated many clients who felt “dead” inside, living like robots doing the same things every day. In most cases all the items on the clients to-do lists were to be done for someone other then …
Category: Happiness
Blog posts on happiness
Mar 20 2014
Are You Consciously Unconscious
Are you living the life that you thought you wanted to find out that it is not fulfilling you? Perhaps if you got in touch with what you really wanted you could be a bit happier.
Mar 03 2014
Be In Control of Your Own Life
Are you a person who puts on a “mask” pretending to be the person that you believe others will like better than the natural you? It takes a lot of energy to do this while you are decreasing your own sense of self. Being in control of your own life is based on being true to who you are and allowing others to accept you as a result.
Feb 10 2014
Vol. 91, August, 2010 – Where Passion Creates Life
Work is an important part of our lives, however, sometimes we forget that there are other things in life that make life much more fulfilling than just the work that we do, no matter how meaningful that work may be. In this newsletter, Donna N. explains how it was that one passion in her life lead to another deeper passion that allows her to more fully live her life without the need of any chemical interference, prescribed or abused.
Jan 27 2014
Oct 31 2013
How to Find Happiness in the Gloom
How to Find Happiness in the Gloom – Vol. 223, October 31, 2013 I was in the supermarket the other day when I struck up a conversation with an African woman from Ghana, who was there with her 3 year old daughter. We were noticing how expensive meat has gotten, something that is so basic to …
Sep 02 2013
Repair a relationship: What you need to know on how to be happy in a relationship. – Vol. 113 August 11, 2011
There are many instances when people come to my practice who are unhappy in life. Sometimes it has to do with their problems getting the better of them. However, there are other times when their lousy feelings about themselves is coming from a different place, mainly from their spouses, or partners in life. With clients …