Eating Disorder Treatment: Physiological Causes of Eating Disorders – Vol. 145, April 19, 2012

Over the years that I have been working with eating disorders it has been obvious that these clients have a very poor idea of how detect the normal bodily cues…

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Let’s Stop Labeling People

Labeling people with psychiatric illnesses can create not only the lack of a sense of self, worse, it never allows one to move past the notion of having a mental illness. I have found in my work that many people who were labeled with mental illnesses that the psychiatric community felt were to be managed, never to be healed have been able to heal themselves of these problems. This article speaks to how this was done in the case of an anorexic.

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Moral of Amy Winehouse’s Fight With Manic Depression & Addiction – VOL. 111, June 28, 2011

Amy Winehouse had a very complex medical history according to the reports that in the news. What is the moral of to be learned here regarding the loss of this very talented yet fragile star? Looking deeper into her history, mental illness was what brought on the behavior that lead to her untimely death as seems to be the case in many cases of these too early deaths.

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