Do You Really Know What You Sound Like To Others?
Vol. 228 Dec. 5, 2013 - Do You Really Know What You Sound Like To Others? I am sitting in a chair at the airport, texting my friend about…
Blog posts on the topic of anger
Vol. 228 Dec. 5, 2013 - Do You Really Know What You Sound Like To Others? I am sitting in a chair at the airport, texting my friend about…
Why Does Our Government Never Learn the Obvious: Lessons From the D.C. Naval Shooting - Vol. 217, September 19, 2013 - We, the citizens of the United States wonder why…
A client's past family history, causes him to grind his teeth while sleeping, which in turn costs the man thousands of dollars in dental bill over the years. Suzanne uses hypnosis to change his feelings toward his family, thus relieving his body of the stress causing the habitual teeth-grinding.
What creates true health and wellbeing? Is it seeing your doctor every year? Eating healthy food? Exercising every day? Yes, taking these things into consideration is very important. There is…
Forgiveness is an important aspect of mental health for it is the best tonic against anger that exists. See what the experts have to say about why forgiveness matters.