What’s The Deal with the Rock and Roll Club 27?
What’s The Deal with the Rock and Roll Club 27 - Vol. 226, November 21, 2013 I read about the Club 27 in the USA Today of November 13, 2013, written by…
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What’s The Deal with the Rock and Roll Club 27 - Vol. 226, November 21, 2013 I read about the Club 27 in the USA Today of November 13, 2013, written by…
Suzanne discusses the unconscious roots of claustphobic behaivior and suggests hypnosis as a way to overcome those feelings of fear.
Just What Are The Dangers Teens of Today Face with the Advent of of Social Media? - Vol. 225, November 14, 2013 I was having a discussion with a junior high…
Over the past few years I have worked with several young women who found themselves in a precarious situation beginning with the innocent notion that they would just feel a…
Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus Continues - The Ongoing Discoveries of John Gray, Ph.D. - Vol. 224, November 7, 2013 - Many people know John Gray, Ph.D. from…
Did you know that one in five deaths are related to cigarette smoking according to the Center For Disease Control 2010 research. That equates to 443,000 deaths annually including 50,0000…
How to Find Happiness in the Gloom - Vol. 223, October 31, 2013 I was in the supermarket the other day when I struck up a conversation with an African woman…