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Why Do Our Docs Hand Out Psychotropic Medication So Easily to Our Children: The Side Effects Are Harming Them

  Why Do Our Docs Hand Out Psychotropic Medication So Easily to Our Children: The Side Effects Are Harming Them - Vol. 282, October 23, 2014 It seems that with the…

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Sexual Abuse Lingers for Decades: Is This Creating Issues in Your Life? – Vol. 110, July 21, 2011

It has just been reported that sexual abuse lingers for decades. I would say that anyone who has been a victim of it female or male would have been able to tell you this from the beginning of time. This article addresses the true cost in terms of health and socioeconomic terms

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The Dangers of Over Prescribing Placebos and Narcotics – Vol. 98. April 2011

The twin dangers of prescribing placebo drugs and over prescribing pain medication is leading to a 500% increase in admissions to substance abuse programs and 400% increase in accidental deaths. This article explores both the larger ramifications of our medical community's unbelievably destructive protocol in the effort of shaving off some necessary office visit time, and a better way to get the help you or someone that you may love may need.

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