Category: Quit Smoking

Blog posts concerning how to quit smoking

At What Cost Do We Help Another? – Vol. 123, October 20, 2011

There are times in our life when we need to ask some serious questions as health care providers. I had a situation that occurred recently which really hit me where I live. You all know that the economics of today are difficult for many, my self included. However, there are times when one must consider …

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Hypnosis Stops Chewing Tobacco Habit for Giants Baseball Stars: Bruce Bochy, Bill Hayes and Mike Murphey – Vol. 118, Sept. 15th, 2011

In case you were wondering if hypnosis for addiction can last for a substantial period of time you need not look any further than the Giants baseball team out in San Francisco. With the help of hypnotherapist Dr. AlVera Paxson three of their team members have stopped their decades long addiction to chewing tobacco. Bruce …

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Are You Smoking to Cover Up A Deeper Problem?

Suzanne use personal history techniques to help a client understand the reasons for his nicotine addiction.

Smoking Cessation: How Do You Know if You are Truly Ready to Stop Smoking?

Smoking Cessation: How Do You Know if You are Truly Ready to Stop Smoking?- Vol. 194, March 30 Isn’t it interesting that the people who already have a lung or heart disease who call in to stop smoking, always tell me that they can’t afford the cost of the one session to do so? The …

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Is Quitting Smoking Weed ((Marijuana) the Same As Quitting Smoking Tobacco (Cigarettes, etc.)?

Vol. 181, December 29, 2012 Smokers truly believe that they are “addicted” to nicotine. However, the truth of the matter is that they are more involved in a habit of “trigger-response” with triggers leading to the use of cigarettes. The trigger can be anything from drinking alcohol to being bored to the people with whom …

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So You Want to Stop Smoking, But You Don’t Know Why It’s So Hard

A hypnotic trance for smoking cessation reveals to Suzanne that a client still harbors resentment from the way she was treated as the youngest child of a large family. Once this resentment cleared, the client was easily able to conquer smoking.

Facts About Smoking: What Happens When You Quit Smoking using Nicotine Replacement – Vol.154, June 22, 2012

There are 40 million adult smokers in the United State with 70% of them wanting to quit. Sadly only 5% of those who quit remain smoke – free after 12 months according to the CDC. Nicotine replacement therapies were designed to replace harmful forms of nicotine ingested through smoking yet are only “mildly effective” according …

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