Forcing Better Drug Rehab for Our Addicts in The USA
Forcing Better Drug Rehab for Our Addicts in The USA - Vol. 260, June 5, 2014 The issue of better drug rehabilitation has been a primary concern of Dawning Visions Hypnosis…
Blog posts on addiction topics
Forcing Better Drug Rehab for Our Addicts in The USA - Vol. 260, June 5, 2014 The issue of better drug rehabilitation has been a primary concern of Dawning Visions Hypnosis…
Spirit has guided me through all I have been through lately and I know as long as I continue to believe in Spirit, all will work out for the better.
E-Cigarettes Are More Harmful Then Helpful - Vol. 258, May 22, 2014 Many people who are supposedly trying to quit smoking cigarettes are looking to electronic cigarettes to help them…
The Myth Behind E-Cigarettes - They Don’t Help You Quit! Try This Instead -Vol. 252, April 3, 2014 Many smokers have realized that nicotine patches don’t help them quit…
Drugs Are Everywhere! How to Help Your Teen Stay Safe - Vol. 243, March 20, 2014 - In the small old factory town of Billerica, Massachusetts there have already been…
A client of mine who had been free of substance abuse for over 15 years was afraid that she was going to pick up again since her roommates started drinking again. When she went to get counseling things did not go the way she thought they would which is what sent her looking for a different way to receive the help she knew she needed. Read her story here.
We all know that doctors are people too, though many times they are placed upon pedestals where they don’t belong. The same percentage of doctors as the general public become…