Why Do 12-Step Programs Fail 95% of The People in Them?
Why Do 12-Step Programs Fail 95% of The People in Them? - Vol. 337, December 3, 2015 Here is one of my favorite subjects because, I know that 12-Step programs are…
Blog posts on addiction topics
Why Do 12-Step Programs Fail 95% of The People in Them? - Vol. 337, December 3, 2015 Here is one of my favorite subjects because, I know that 12-Step programs are…
Emotional Maturation Is The Real Problem For Ex- Addicts - Vol. 336, November 26, 2015 I was sitting in an appointment with Donna N., one of my ex-drug addicted clients…
What Are The Ramifications of the Doubling of Marijuana Use in a Decade? Look at Our Children for Some Answers - Vol. 334, November 12, 2015 According to the article Marijuana…
The Government is Finally Waking Up: Treatment for Heroin Addiction Instead of Incarceration - Volume 329, October 1, 2015 In an article in the Washington Post as quoted by yahoonews.com…
How to Know When Your Teens Drinking Is Getting Out of Control - Volume 324, August 27, 2015 According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 24.6 percent of…
Heroin? How Do You Know Your Teen May Be Involved & What to do About it? - Volume 323, August 20, 2015 A couple of years ago, I had a…
Learnings of Letting Go of Cocaine from Those In “Programs” - Vol. 314, June 18, 2015 Several years ago I received a call from a gentleman who was using Cocaine. At…