Blog posts on addiction topics
A hypnotic trance for smoking cessation reveals to Suzanne that a client still harbors resentment from the way she was treated as the youngest child of a large family. Once this resentment cleared, the client was easily able to conquer smoking.
There are many people out there on the internet who are teaching people how to go about attracting the right person for them. Many of these programs state that they…
Suzanne looks at a clients entire life history to help define treatment options
by Donna N. With all the killings and deaths in the news lately I find myself wondering why it is that we human beings have such little to no regard…
Volume 161, August 10, 2012 There is a reason that driving has become quite difficult in the past few years. With $17 Billion spent on pharmaceuticals last year there are…
There are 40 million adult smokers in the United State with 70% of them wanting to quit. Sadly only 5% of those who quit remain smoke - free after 12…
Amy Winehouse had a very complex medical history according to the reports that in the news. What is the moral of to be learned here regarding the loss of this very talented yet fragile star? Looking deeper into her history, mental illness was what brought on the behavior that lead to her untimely death as seems to be the case in many cases of these too early deaths.