This is an interesting question. I do believe that one CAN be disrespectful even if one doesn’t intend to be. There are many times when people have the best of intentions, yet make a hard situation worse, because they did not have all the information required to truly be of help. This happens every time someone chooses to do healthcare work that is outside of their scope of practice – it happens more times than you want to know. It happens when one overruns another’s personal boundaries by forcing their ideas on how to solve an issue, without respecting the other person’s choice, and it happens when we fail to listen fully to what another is telling us. This happens a lot between spouses and children whose parents think they know what’s best for them. Trust me, often they do not because they have no idea where their child is coming from.
Being respectful to another occurs when we ask if we can make a suggestion and then only make a suggestion and let it go.
Being respectful is listening fully to what another person is saying and them making sure you understand them before believing you have the answers to their problems (especially true if all the person really wanted was to be able to vent about a disturbing event and did not want a solution from you).
Being respectful is to stop forcing your opinions and ideas on someone who has a different manner of thinking about the subject. We all have our own opinions and we are all entitled to them.
If your best intention caused a problem, it is up to you to make the situation right again. Ask the other person what you can do to make it up to them and do your best to do as they tell you. Relationships work out a lot better this way.
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