Do You Count in Your Own Life?
Suzanne shares examples from her own life on how she made adjustments to raise her own personal worth in her own mind.
Suzanne shares examples from her own life on how she made adjustments to raise her own personal worth in her own mind.
Vol. 181, December 29, 2012 Smokers truly believe that they are “addicted” to nicotine. However, the truth of the matter is that they are more involved in a habit of…
Hypnosis is often used to treat sexual compulsion, but in this case, Suzanne works with a client to treat his sexual dysfunction. As It turned out, many complicated issues clouded this couple's intimacy, and hypnosis was the answer to clearing their conscious.
According to the specialist on panic attacks, the lack of being able to feel emotions may be the cause of the problem. Using NLP and hypnosis it has been my experience that people can stop stuffing their emotions while learning how to feel them once again. This is important for they serve a purpose and once that is understood you can release the negative emotions fairly easily.
Vol. 179, Dec. 7, 2012 With forty-five percent of the American adult population single (104 million people) with twenty-seven percent representing single-person households, you are in good company. There is…
Suzanne shows examples of "Parts Therapy," a quick way to get a the heart of an emotional problem using hypnosis.
Volume 178, Nov. 30, 2012 It is amazing to me how many of my clients come in telling me of their loving relationships. You know all the great things their…