So What Exactly is Causing All That Pain You Are Feeling? Is it Physical or is it Emotional?
So What Exactly is Causing All That Pain You Are Feeling? Is it Physical or is it Emotional? - Vol. 234, Jan. 16, 2014 Over the past few months I have…
So What Exactly is Causing All That Pain You Are Feeling? Is it Physical or is it Emotional? - Vol. 234, Jan. 16, 2014 Over the past few months I have…
Katie Kindlan wrote on the December 6, 2011 ABC News Blog of the “picture perfect” computer generated models that the huge clothing retailer H&M is using on their website to…
Discover more about the psychological, physical and social factors that contribute to obesity and what you can do about it.
So How Does Someone Become a Healthy 83 or 93 Year Old? - Vol. 233, Jan. 9, 2013 Anyone who personally knows me, knows that one of the places…
Apparently Michael Jackson was spending almost £100,000 month on prescriptions he was getting from his private physician, Dr. Conrad Murray. Apparently the doctor added insult to injury first by using…
Work consumes such a large portion of our lives that it is critical to make the correct decisions for our own happiness. Learn some methods that will guide you down…
John Gray Interview Part 4 of Claim Your Excellent Life Podcast -Vol. 232, Jan. 2, 2014 In Part 4 of John’s interview he covered much material on how the brain…