If you are prepared to really, truly invest in turning your personal life around first, and then your professional life, please fill out this contact sheet.
By filling in the contact sheet you will get a free 30 – 45 minute consultation to help you and I figure out if the retreat program that I am doing in a fabulous foreign venue, will be a great fit for you. There is very limited space so that every participant gets their needs met on the retreat.
 It is going to involve some very deep personal work, so it isn’t for the faint of heart.
At the end of the 8-day retreat, you will be cleared of your own issues and be able to apply what you have learned through your own healing process to your own patients and clients. 
Be forewarned: It is going to be intensive —-so it is only meant for those who are truly ready to make a HUGE change.
This retreat is limited to a maximum of 24 people only!  
For your privacy & convenience:
Services are provided worldwide through FaceTime, Skype, and Zoom.

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