Over the past few years, physicians are finding that their dreams of owning their own lives, running their practices based on their own philosophies of what constitutes great health care, has been decimated by a system that treats them as anything but the highly trained professionals they are.
With this in mind, if you are a physician, meaning an M.D. or D.O.. please answer these questions:
1. Are you at a place where you are so disgusted with the system, that devalues you to the degree that your normal human needs are being disregarded, that you are ready to make a decision to make a change based on your desire for a better life. And, you are willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen…even if you are completely unsure what that could like like out there in the future?
2. If you are at the point where you have the resolve to make the change, would you prefer to do it:
A. Online
B. Live
3. As a:
A. Mastermind with no more then 12 of your physician colleagues who share your desire for making this life’s change, NOW!
B. In a 7 Hour VIP Day that is individualized to your specific needs
Many thanks for helping me to create the best programs to serve you.
**A FREE MP3 recording, “Stress Be Gone” medication will be sent to everyone who answers this survey.
Please send your answers to: suzanne@dawningvissions.com
Andy other input that you have would also be welcome.
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