Are Passions Things That You Need to Find, or Do They Find You? – Vol. 509- August 8, 2019
This was a question that a person on Quora asked me to answer. Because, so many people are told to find their passions, my take on them may be a different point of view from what you have heard from others. Here it is:
Passions are those things that you find as you live life, so they find people. Most people never find any, because they are fine living their day-to-day lives. However, these are the people who are empty in life. They may have great jobs, great pay, etc. but they don’t feel fulfilled.
Passions fulfill those who have them. I define passions as those things that one needs to do in order to feel whole and complete. A great example is my ex-husband. He is an artist, and when he is not able to put in the time he needs to photograph or make films, he is miserable. It is a part of who he is, and it cannot be left out, period.
Hypnosis became my passion when I learned how powerful it was to help people with some very traumatic lives overcome the trauma, quickly and effectively (much quicker than anything one can achieve with conventional psychotherapy). While I am doing it, I am in another world – all the answers channel through me to help my clients to let go of those troubling issues. Yes, I have a protocol I use, but the information necessary to help a person clear their problem comes from the subconscious (not conscious) part of their mind. Not to mention that it is a fascinating subject – how the mind really works and heals itself.
So, I wouldn’t go looking for my passion. I would lead my life and as certain experiences occur, the passion shows itself for what they are and it is a wonderful thing. Because, when one has a passion in life, no matter what garbage one has to deal in life, one’s passion can always bring a sense of gratification and fulfillment to lessen the load. It’s a beautiful thing indeed.
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