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Why you are here
Do you believe you or someone you care about might be addicted to sex? Perhaps you did a Google search of topics related to sexual addiction treatment or were brought here by some of my other promotional materials. Possibly, you expected to find information on SAA (SexAholics Anonymous) or other such 12 steps programs. Fortunately for you, that is not what this page is about. It’s something much better.
Who am I
Hello and welcome to this page on Sexual Addiction treatment. My name is Suzanne Kellner-Zinck and I am a professional and well trained hypnotist. I hold the following certifications and qualifications:
- Certified Trainer of Hypnosis, NLP and Hypnosis by Tad James Co., LLC
- Trainer for First Responders (Police, Fire and EMT’s) by the National Guild of Hypnotists
- Master Hypnotist, Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy (R) by Advanced Neuro Dynamics
- Specialized hypnotic training in Smoking Cessation by Smoke Free Internet
- Complementary Medical Hypnosis by the National Guild of Hypnotists
- Specialized hypnotic training in painless child birth by the National Guild of Hypnotists
More about me can be found on my biography page if you find yourself interested. However, what I do want to make clear besides, my certifications and trainings is that I truly CARE about what I do. I choose to focus on a few specific areas of practice that I am vibrantly PASSIONATE about.
Why I’m Passionate about treating Sexual addiction
My very first treatment case of sexual addiction was a young man named Antonio. And I use the word “man” very liberally here. Antonio was only sixteen years old when he was brought to my practice by his adopted father who had almost 6 years of therapeutic training and experience himself! (Including hypnosis) In addition, Antonio had been exhibiting “inappropriate behavior” since age 6! His future was not looking bright if he continued down this path. Within three sessions, I was able to clear away all the underlying drivers that almost 10 years of traditional therapy could not cure and today Antonio continues to be free of his previous issues. That’s when I started digging more deeply into this phenomena called “sexual addiction” (If you want to know more about Antonio’s story, at the end of this page I give you a method to receive a free copy of the first chapter of my upcoming book on sexual addiction)
The Facts
Did you know that up to 10% of the population of United States meets the clinical definition for being addicted to sex? (At the end of this page, I will give a way to get a questionnaire to determine if you or someone you love actually has a clinical, treatable issue with sexual addiction.) In addition, 80% of those have been sexually abused in the past by someone they knew and trusted and then to avoid the pain and confusion have REPRESSED the event from their conscious memory. Although within the community of mental health professions there is much discussion as what actually constitutes sexual addiction, a good working definition for the layperson is “any sexual behavior which is compulsively engaged in despite cultural and/or legal prohibitions and which has the potential to cause financial, social and/or legal ruin”. So, in general, we are talking about something a great deal more severe than an eighteen year old nervously purchasing his first Playboy or going through a normal rite of male passage by skittishly walking into his first strip club. And to make matters worse, imagine what would happen if a sex addict found himself in a long term relationship with a woman who had clinically diagnosable and treatable issues surrounding sex herself! It’s like adding gasoline to a fire!
The Solution
Since Antonio, I have treated many men who have this particular issue, and I do it without judgment or prejudice. My practice in Billerica, MA is a SAFE SPACE where we can explore the underlying root cause of your behaviors and finally bring you the peace of mind and harmony of life you desire. Here at Dawning Visions Hypnosis, if you are accepted into my program I will do everything in my power to help you, including access to me for up to a year! That’s right, if you are accepted, you can contact me anytime during that year if an issue pops up. I will be there for you every step of the way. You don’t have to be alone anymore.
Absolute discretion is assured and treatment times are flexible. The only person who needs to know about your issue is you. You don’t have to have an embarrassing conversation with your boss about why you need to go away for six weeks to a hyper-expensive Tiger Woods style treatment program. Nor do you have to have an equally uncomfortable conversation with your family about why you are paying $200,000 to go into such a program. Treatment can be arranged around times that work best for you. And the investment involved will be a small fraction of what you might expect to spend for this behavior over your lifetime.
Also, you did read that correctly above, I HAVE TO ACCEPT YOU AS MY CLIENT. While my passion is to help everyone, the truth is that your subconscious determines whether you are ready to be helped at this time. While you are interviewing me during your half hour free phone or Skype consultation, I will also be interviewing you.
Lastly, to insure that all of my clients receive the highest quality of care, I only accept 4 new clients in this category per month. Yes, you read that correctly, JUST 4 NEW Clients per month in this treatment category. While there are many treatment programs that will take as many new clients as they can fit in a room, how many do you believe will give you the personal, custom attention that your issues require? And if you ever needed a boaster session because another issue came up, for those other programs, you would have to shell out ANOTHER $200,000.
If you’re read this far, you might already be familiar with playing shell games with your money and time. Perhaps there was one month when you visited the VIP room of your favorite strip club once too often. Maybe you remember that massage that left you feeling so good, but your wallet so empty. How tired are you of telling your SIGNIFICANT OTHER one lie too many and seeing “that look” in her eye. How about that last business trip that has some “expenses” that Accounting may have had questions about?
Take Action Now!
If for all of your own good reasons, you have decided that this is an issue that should be part of your past and not part of your future, Click the link below this post and fill out the form to request your FREE DISCREET HALF HOUR CONSULTATION with Suzanne.
Once again, I am completely NONJUDGMENTAL about your situation and the choice you make for yourself. Maybe you don’t have the money right this moment. (Think for a second why that might be true) Maybe you don’t currently see anything wrong with what you do. Maybe you’re even unsure about whether you even have a problem. Or perhaps, you believe there is something unique about your situation that prevents you from taking the action you require now. It could be your mother’s birthday, a planned family vacation or your anniversary. It doesn’t change the fact that I still care about helping you. So here is my gift to you, on this page is a section for you to join my mailing list. If you join my mailing list, I will send you a link to my secret free gift page. On this page you can download a FREE COPY OF THE FIRST CHAPTER OF MY BOOK ON SEXUAL ADDICTION. This free chapter not only contains lots of great information. It also has that QUESTIONNAIRE that I promised you access to.
My mailing list works for you
As a member of my confidential mailing list, I promise, your privacy will be protected. Also, information on the list will be timely and relevant to my chosen treatment areas. That means it will be designed to help you cope with your issues on a day to day basis. And since this is your list, I will be answering your questions. That’s right, YOU CAN SEND ME YOUR QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS AND I WILL ANSWER THEM (As time and space permit within the newsletter). YOU NEVER NEED TO FEEL ALONE AGAIN.
The time has come for you to choose what you want your future to look like. Will it continue to look like your past or do you desire a different, more fulfilling result? The choice is entirely up to you. Whatever choice you make, I wish you well.

Sign Up Now for your Free 1/2 Hour Consultation
If you have found this website helpful and informative and either you or someone you care about has an issue that might need clearing. Then Suzanne would like to invite you to experience a 1/2 hour free no obligation consultation via phone or Skype. Suzanne has successfully helped people all over the world, why not give her the chance to help you. Get the facts about your personal situation from a caring professional source and change your life for the better today!
Sign Up Now for your Free 1/2 Hour Consultation