How About Learning How to Be Happy Regardless of Your Circumstances?
Why is it that people continue to do those things they say they do not like, do not want to do, and then resent the fact that they CHOSE to do them anyway? Sounds crazy, yet this is what most adults do every single day, throwing themselves into a deeper abyss of emotional dismay, leading to depression. And yet, there is absolutely no reason to be stuck there, absolutely none.
The great Kabbalists through the ages have taught that we are not our circumstances, We are capable of rising so high above them that what they call “the chaos” of the world can occur around us, and not effect us in any way. Why? Because we are spiritual in nature, yet so many have bought into the false pretenses that 1) You don’t have control over how you feel, 2) that you have to be a part of the circumstances, thus stuck there and 3) that your circumstances dictate the quality of your life. Well, quite honestly none of these pretenses matter at all, nope not a bit. Why? Because, as just told you, you are not stuck in the material world, you are a spiritual being and as such, you are capable of divining your own life – or as we the NLP people would say:
Creating Your Future the Way You Want It!
Sounds a hell of a lot better put that way, doesn’t it? But, now you ask: How do I do that, because I don’t have a clue.
Well, let’s get something straight right here, right now – until you take control of the THOUGHTS that go into your head, you will always be a ‘VICTIM’ to the ‘drama and trauma’ of your life. Until YOU make the DECISION to CHANGE the thoughts that you ALLOW into your mind, and LEARN how to reprogram your mind for HAPPINESS and FULFILLMENT, nothing will change.
You already have the proof of that based on the results you see in your life:
How happy are you in your current situation at work, the geographic area in which you live, your relationships with friends and most especially FAMILY?
How’s your health doing? NOW, that’s a big one – YOUR HEALTH, HOW IS IT DOING?
Mentally, is your thinking clear and quick OR fuzzy and you can’t remember many important things you need to during your day.
Emotionally: Are you sad, angry, holding on to old resentments, feeling shame or guilt of things you have said or done in the past?
Physically: This is IMPORTANT, because when we ignore the warnings our mind gives us in the MENTAL and EMOTIONAL areas, we develop all sorts of illnesses with VAGUE SYMPTOMS that the doctors haven’t a clue in how to help you with. You feel the pain in your physical body, and you know you aren’t making it up, and yet the doctor tells you it’s all in you head. And then you get incredibly pissed off with him. But, I have a secret to share with you here and you may not like it and I don’t really care because it is the truth:
It is in your head that the pain signals are triggered for all the repressed mental and emotional issues from the past that are living in what we in the world of NLP call your “cellular memory,” which is causing all the stress hormones to be released:
cortisol and adrenaline
and that breaks down you immune system,
which causes the pain that you are feeling –
So you see, your doc was quite correct, but most likely not in the manner s/he thought, because the great majority never learned how the brain actually works – nope, they don’t know how the 3 minds other wise known as the 3 parts of the brain they learned in med school work together. Sad, but true!
Today I am going to be doing a FB Live and we are going to go deeper into this information, which may well go a long way in helping you that suffer from these vague symptoms:
…understand why they are there making your life so miserable
…and what you can do about it
AND, as always, I will do a clearing for you live and in person.
Just understand that sometimes the wifi disconnects, so I have to jump off and then go right back on – Hey, we do the best we can with the awesome technology we have.
Where: My personal FB page: Suzanne Kellner-Zinck
When: 2 pm eastern today.
If you miss it, feel free to watch the video later, It will be right on the page, and it will have a description similar to the title of this article.

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