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Learnings From My Journeys: Suzannisms for the Mind and Soul 

Learnings From My Journey: Suzannisms for the Mind and Soul is a book of essays based on the wisdom gained through those who have touched me through my own journey in life. Each essay is based on a learning that has come from over coming life's challenges, creative solutions to problems, wisdom gleaned from my clients lives, my travels and the special people that I have met. Other learnings shared come from my study and application of hypnotic concepts and various spiritual teachings.

15 Minute Free Consultation

By laser focusing on your issue, while letting go of you “story”, you will be come to understand why you have been struggling and what needs to be done to let go of it.

Your 14 keys to Happiness Report (Value $47)

The Happiness Lies

When most people think of being happy, they think of having things: a fancy car, a beautiful home in the mountains or by the ocean, lots of money in the bank and a great relationship with a special someone. Though these things may be enticing to you with the belief that they will bring happiness, I would like to respectfully disagree. Instead I will endeavor to focus on what happiness truly is and 14 ways you can bring it into your life.

Improved Self Esteem and Increased Motivation

Confident people are capable of believing in themselves allowing them to achieve to an incredible degree that which they put their minds to. With higher self-esteem achieved it becomes ever easier to increase your motivation to achieve the results that you would like to have in your life’s endeavors. It is time for you to use the strength of your inner mind to allow you to finally enjoy the fulfillment and joy that life has to offer you.

"I have only listened to your Improved Self-Esteem and Increased Motivation CD three times and I'm already noticing that I'm getting small projects done that I've been "meaning to do" for a long time. I meditate almost every day but I found myself going much deeper then usual with your induction method. The proof is in the results! Thanks."     

Paula Richards

Quit Anger Quickly

If you are a person who is carrying around anger, you ought to know that is is one of the main reasons that people have heart attacks. With this 25 minute recording you can easily let go of any anger you have allowing yourself to lead a happier and more healthy life.

Audio for stress 

Easily let go of stress, in the comfort of your own home simply by listening to an audio


With the addition of the visual stimulation, your trance state will be deeper allowing you to more quickly get the results from the set of hypnosis recordings included for:

Lessen Your Stress
Quit Anger Quickly
Improved Self-Esteem and Increasing Your Motivation

Flash Cards

This set of flash cards gives you the exact instructions I give to my clients to instantly be able to let go of their negative emotions step-by-step. By using these flash cards no one will be able to upset you because you will know exactly how to let it all go, right there in the moment and they won’t even realize it. Sets included for:

Lessen Your Stress
Quit Anger Quickly
Improved Self-Esteem and Increasing Your Motivation

This Step-by-step audio guide will instruct you on how to get the maximum value for the time you spend using each component of the program included.

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