Claim Your Excellent Life #354 – We Being “There” For Others in A Truly Meaningful Way Matter
Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck shares her thoughts on what it means to truly “be there” for someone you care about.
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What Makes For A Great Day For Me? The unfolding of a beautiful healing client session Vol. 565, Dec. 30, 2021

Do you know what makes for a spectacular day for me? It’s having client sessions that bring about beautiful learnings with healthy new perspectives demonstrating the letting go of past negative emotions. This is how the client is going to be able to more easily move into their compelling future.
Unlike many mental health practitioners, I don’t sell by the hour – not at all. I sell the program that is best suited for each client based on the number of negative events that need to be cleared, along with other clearing techniques. I add in their compelling future which is really the objectives for their treatment based on what they want to create for their own lives. When they are well on their way to achieving their compelling future they know they are ready to terminate the sessions.
The process that I use is very intensive and certainly not for everyone because we go very quickly into the healing work with much longer sessions to begin to get that done ASAP. After that, they do weekly or bi-monthly appointments working on building healthy emotional boundaries and learning how to move forward in their lives to have a quality of life that is so amazing that when they began, they couldn’t even see it – true for the majority – but not all of my clients.
It takes time for the organic unfolding to occur during each session and as such, I set up the time frame for each appointment to allow that to happen. Because, I learned from my dad, the dentist while working at his side, that there is no reason to rush a process – rather it is best to take your eyes off the clock and do what needs to be done in the time it takes to do an excellent job. This philosophy of delivering health care has certainly worked very well for my clients over the almost 2 decades that I have been doing hypnotism.
There is a lot to be said about this way of doing the work – for both myself and the client – just taking our time to do what is healthiest for the client.
Because my goal at the end of each client session is for my client to feel ‘lighter and brighter’ after each appointment. I am able to get that achieved regardless of any emotional distress during the appointment about 95% of the time because I leave the time necessary to heal it all before I end the session. Something that is mandatory so far as I am concerned.
You see, there are many ways that people can practice their healing modality and you need to figure out which works best for you as the person employing the practitioner who is working with you.
So, choose your practitioner with great care based on what you most value and you will most likely receive what is best for your way of healing.

How About A Free Gift of Hypnosis to Begin Your New Year Right!

Since it is the season for giving – sharing that which we can.  I thought it would be a great time to share the gift of hypnotism with you. Some of you may have worked with me previously, and others of you may never have. In any case, this free gift includes hypnotic inductions (what others mistakenly call ‘meditations’ to release any stress or anger that you may have that it is more than time to ditch done in a very positive and easy manner. 

Because, we want to enter the New Year feeling cleansed of anything that is no longer serving us, bringing us much more energy for that which does serve us, don’t we?

 To enter the New Year feeling ‘lighter & brighter’. What could be better than that?

All you need to do is enter the URL below into your search engine and fill out the form and it is yours for the asking.

Happy New Year!



Claim Your Excellent Life #353 – Overcoming the Imposture Syndrome
Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck discusses something that many successful people struggle with – Imposter syndrome.
Click the above link if you have found value in this podcast and wish to support it.

Are You Doing That ONE BIG THING Or Are You Merely Talking About it? – Vol. 564, Dec. 23, 2021

Are you one of those people that are continuously telling the world that this one thing (whatever that thing is for you) is the most important thing in your life, and yet…you are not doing whatever it takes to make it your reality?
I have a client who is a singer. She and her family have invested all that they have into her singing career and yet, it has yet to take off. One of the issues that certainly got in the way was what I like to affectionately call “The C-V-D Crap” meaning the shutting down of normal human business.
However, there was something else that was getting in her way that had nothing to do with the current issues of the day and that would be allowing her emotional energy to be wasted on people who were just not worth it.
Many times we humans find ourselves in relationships with destructive people. They can be people who have mental health issues that take away their ability to have empathy for another, finding multiple ways to abuse, dismiss, and manipulate another for their own entertainment.
There are other people that find their ways into our lives who are what I call “leaches” others call them “psychic vampires” as they suck all your energy from you with their neediness.
Neither of these types of people is going to do anything but squander your own emotional energy on their actions and reactions to you.
If you have a very important goal, something that is so very important to you that you are constantly telling the world about it, how about you do some house cleaning in relationship to the people that you are squandering your emotional energy on?
How about you be very mindful of those with whom you choose to engage?
How about taking responsibility for who it is that you are allowing into your world?
For this particular client, she had one choice to make if she wanted to allow her singing career to take off. That one choice was to block any and all contact with the individual and all the others that were a part of his family and his friends from having any contact with her as any time there was contact, it sent her into a very destabilized emotional condition. A destabilized emotional condition means that one is unable to think clearly and unemotionally when it comes to getting the work done that needs to be done to achieve one’s goals.
Now, this was not something that was easy for her because there were all sorts of exchanges that needed to happen in terms of his receiving something she had, and he returning something to her and yet, given that this is all a game for him being the person that he has shown himself to be, it was evident that it wasn’t about the ‘things’ for him. Not at all. It was about the emotional games he was able to continue to play on my client – and so it needed to end regardless of the ‘circumstances.’ Because there will ALWAYS be circumstances that need to be contended with until we understand that the circumstances are just a part of the overall manipulation – and the only way to end all of that is to realize it for what it is and let it all go. Block the person(s) from your phone – your phone company can help you do this, and block them from all your social media – and then and only then will you be emotionally stable enough to think clearly and deliberately about that which you say is the most important thing in your life.
Only then will you be able to take the steps necessary to make that important thing a reality for you. Only then…will you at long last feel calm…and of course, that would be enough to take these necessary actions. But, if you are out there telling the world that this one thing means more to you than anything else such as my client’s career in singing – well, best you put your emotional energy into making that happen because otherwise you are fooling yourself and making a fool of yourself at the same time.
Most people do want to be supportive of their friends and family making their goals in life. However, to be able to truly be supportive of a loved one, that loved one needs to demonstrate that they are serious about attaining their goal, with their total energy being placed on meeting that goal.
When one is endlessly complaining about how others are causing distractions or worse abusive manipulations – well, till that situation is taken care of it will be very hard to expect anyone to really take you seriously, because you are not taking yourself seriously.
We all need to simplify our lives when we have true dreams that we want to live out. And, that indeed includes leaving those who are distractive personalities so we can focus on what truly matters to us the most – it is the only way to reach your own fulfillment =contentment=happiness=peace=calm.

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Claim Your Excellent Life #352 – Why We Need To Get Out of Our Comfort Zones
Master Hypnotist Suzanne Kellner-Zinck shares her opinion on why it’s important to get out of your comfort zone.
Click the above link if you have found value in this podcast and wish to support it.

What Are The Causes of “Behavioral Dysregulation: How to get them checked out – Vol. 563, Dec. 16, 2021

Today, I received a message from a very good friend of mine regarding ‘dysfunctional behavior’ in a friend’s son. Unfortunately, this behavior landed his female friend in the hospital.
So, we are going to attack the issue of ‘dysfunctional behavior’ and what can cause it so that you can have a better understanding of what needs to be investigated to get to the root cause because behavioral changes are indeed a strong indicator that something could be going very wrong from a myriad of causes.
First, depending on the age of the person involved and what drugs are illicit and licit, drugs can indeed cause one to act out in dangerous ways. Antidepressants have a black box warning on them where teens are concerned because they can and do cause suicidal and homicidal behavior.
I have also had a client in my hypnosis practice years ago who was showing two distinct personalities – one was very calm and lovely, and the other very angry. It was indeed the antidepressant that she was on that was the cause of this interesting and scary phenomenon.
I had two brothers who had smoked marijuana at two different times who both had very severe paranoia and anxiety as side-effects. This was before the legalization of medical marijuana – however, one needs to understand that these days there are many substances that can be cut into the marijuana that could be poisonous to the brain. Just because something seems ‘natural’ does not mean it is. And, also realize that there are many natural substances that are indeed poisonous to humans – some types of mushrooms, berries, and other plants.
If a person is around 20 years old, psychotic events can occur for the first time so mental health issues are something to be evaluated for.
Bleeds and blockages of blood in the brain can cause emotional outbursts as well depending on where in the brain the bleed or blockage occurred. My own father lost his impulse control after suffering some mini-strokes before the one that took out his entire brain. He would make very demeaning comments about how others were doing whatever – such as square dancing making the wrong steps, or just being mean to my mom for no reason.
Lack of certain nutrients can also cause neurological problems such as not having enough vitamin B12 which can also cause brain fog, depression, and other symptoms.
Older people who act behaviorally dysfunctional ways could be suffering from Altzimers even as early as the early and mid-50s. The person with Altziemers is easily agitated, and many times frightened by that which they can no longer understand so may act out in hitting or biting. I experienced this situation while I was doing home care for elders needing to stay with one such client. She really needed some sort of tranquilizer to help her to calm down but her family was against it. So, happened that I was uncomfortable taking care of a woman who was running out into the street and trying to hit me so I had my bosses take me off the case. The next day one of my co-workers was bitten by the client – so truly – we need to understand that if a client is this agitated, sometimes medication is in order to help them to calm down and feel a bit safer.
So, be mindful that when a person is acting in abnormal ways, that there is most likely a medical issue involved that needs to be resolved.
NEVER fault a person for their behavior. Instead, investigate the causes for that behavior and do your best to help them get it resolved. Because, just as no one is blamed for developing cancer or other physical health issues, no one should ever be blamed or made fun of for having mental health issues either – especially when we understand that the brain is where the emotional issues are going to be processed and brought out in the behavior in any case.
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