This training has been cancelled. If you are interested in a mentorship with Suzanne Kellner-Zinck, please contact her on her main website: http:/

Dear Prospective Trainee,


*** Your free gifts from me are located at the very bottom of this letter.


I am inviting you to engage in something different, something specifically created for your particular specialization of working with sex addicts. I am not speaking of those of you who work in marriage and family counseling, or those of you who are engaged in sex therapy. Only those of you who work with patients who are engaged in consensual sexual relations with other adults, yet, do it with an obsessive drive and impulsive actions, based on the pleasure seeking release of dopamine that is inherent in any true addictive behavior. You know, those clients that have sacrificed the most meaningful relationships with those in their lives, maybe unable to take appropriate care of their lives as the addiction has taken over their entire mind, and most especially those that are spending themselves into bankruptcy while putting themselves and others in harms way with the risky sexual behavior they are demonstrating.

  • Are you the sort of person who is interested in adding tools to your “therapeutic tool-chest” for the work you do with your patients?
  •  Are you finding yourself feeling ever more squeezed by the regulations of the ACA, and perhaps the guidelines of your professional organizations who are limiting your ability to provide the care you went into practice to provide?
  •  Are you feeling that even with the best of conventional training and your giving heart, your patients aren’t receiving the sort of results you would like to see them achieve from your work together?
  •  Maybe you are wondering why it is that the medications that your patients are on aren’t working as well as you believed they would and are confounded by that whole aspect of your training.

My name is Suzanne Kellner-Zinck. I have entered this world of working with sex addiction through a phone call from a fellow student of hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). He was was looking to get help for his then 16 year old adopted son who was regressing swiftly into a place of hopelessness and despair. The best way to describe the sound of the voice on the other end, was one that one would associate with “being in shock.”  Apparently he had just learned from the family therapist from the specialize in-patient program that his son was a resident was a pedophile.

I asked this gentleman a few questions which ended up with him bringing his son in to work with me knowing from the deepest part of his soul, that this was THE ANSWER he had searched 5 ½ years to find. Happily, ten years later we can report his son was never a pedophile both because he was way too young to fit the diagnosis and more importantly, that he had never penetrated anyone. He certainly had learned inappropriate behaviors from one or more of the foster homes he was in since the death of his birth mother when he was 6 months old, but he was in no way a pedophile. Today he is in a healthy two plus year relationship with a special woman. A far cry from the news he and his father received from the program believing he would be either dead or in jail by the time he was 18 years old.

A few months later I received a call from another gentleman, age 55 who had gone from internet port, to “happy ending massages’ to spending more money then he could afford on escorts. I almost declined this case till he mentioned something another gentleman who called with a sex addiction mentioned to me. That was that at the age of 10 he was forced to “give head” to his 15 year old brother and was having nightmares about it now.

He was happily married and just wanted to stop the behavior. He was the very first “sex addict” that I worked with and his testimonial is below Antonio's.

Antonio Martin 8 years Later  

“During out work together I was placed into a hypnotic state so Suzanne could access my unconscious. While in that state I found it much easier to talk about how I felt and what was going on. Most importantly, I was able to see how I could change things for the better. For example I saw: my biological mother, the beach, pictures of past events that had happened, things that were bothering me, finally being able to change them, putting a better memory in place for myself. With the ability to make these changes, I found that it was much easier to talk about how I felt, allowing me to be who I am today.

We also spoke about a behavior that started at the second program where I was stealing girls underwear from the program upstairs. Suzanne educated me that this was normal age appropriate sexual experimentation which gave me much relief.

Understand that the therapist in my second program told me and my parents that my future was going to spent up “in jail or dead.” Not much of a future for a 16 year old to look forward to. After my work with Suzanne, 8 years later, now at the age of 24, I find that I am able to: hold a regular full-time job along with a part-time job, am off all the medications I was ever on, living on my own, currently in a relationship with a women of my own age, with a good relationship with my parents, and able to truly be an older brother to my younger brother, whom I dearly love. Yes, this is the same brother with whom I had inappropriately touched all those years ago.  Presently, I am able to take care of my own finances, have my own car and I now know what I didn’t know when I was 16 years old, because of my work with Suzanne, who I haven’t seen since November of 2005 when I was originally treated by her. I knew after my treatment with Suzanne, that I would have a full future ahead of me able to do anything that I want to so long as I put my mind to it.

Antonio Martin age 24 - (I am using my real name because I realize like some of you, that I had absolutely nothing to be ashamed of given how young I was when all of this occurred starting at age 5 ½ years old. My sincere hope is by my being transparent in telling my whole story is that those people affected similarly will realize that they too deserve to have a happy and fulfilled like I currently enjoy!)

P.H. In N.H.

The other gentleman who called to have me help him “clear” his sex addiction right after I worked with Antonio. This is what he had to say a bout his treatment for sex addiction:  

I had a problem with a sexual compulsive disorder where I would frequently do telephone sex, to internet porn which developed into frequently meeting with an escort service. All through this process for the past 20 years I could not understand why and always felt guilty afterward. I finally made the step of seeing Suzanne. I realize the my life was going nowhere because of it. She helped me see how destructive the behavior was and how much happier my life could be when not doing these things. My life right now is going forward and I am happier in both family and work life. I feel stronger and want to move things where as before I had no energy and sat around a lot. I have definitely benefitted from Suzanne's help in seeing where my life was going and to where it is going now. 

I saw Antonio in November 2005 and P.H. in N.H. in the beginning of 2006 (so these cases both go back 10 and 9 years respectively.  

I share these with you to demonstrate what is possible when you understand the manner in which our human minds are created to work. Working with your client being the expert of being the creator of the issue which they employed you to help them solve.

  Here’s is what a psychiatrist had to say about the training he received from Dawning Visions Hypnosis, Inc. to help a very special long term patient of his:

A patient of mine asked me to hypnotize her to help her with her chronic back pain.  I hadn't used hypnosis for maybe 30 years so I went to Suzanne to help me with relearning the techniques.  She went over the theory and history of hypnosis with me and then showed me the induction techniques which she uses.  She then had me practice with someone she knows going over the dos and don't as I did.  She gave me reading material on the above including various types of scripts people use.  I felt the session to be very helpful to me and Suzanne to be a very accomplished hypnotist.  

Harold Zeckle, M.D., (psychiatrist), Lexington, MA  12/14/2013

So, what do you think? Do you believe that it is possible to be able to do something more then merely “manage” and perhaps medicate your patients with this problem? Do you believe that it is possible with the right tools and techniques along with your belief in the magnificence in your patients to help them to release this addiction never needing to fall back into it again?


Would you be willing to invest in yourself and your training to learn how to allow your patients to receive these results?


It is my mission to “Set souls free to live their purpose, on purpose.” Further it is my belief that for anyone who is willing to try something new, something with over 8 years of success and growing, that we can heal a whole lot more sex addicts, putting them back with their families back where they belong as was true in the case with P.H. In N.H. Or perhaps saving a misdiagnosed kid from feeling that he would be better off dead then alive due to nothing he had any responsibility for in the first place.

My guess is that you entered this world of health care to do the best job that you could do for your patients, giving them the best tools and techniques to free them from whatever is bothering them. That you are more than willing to invest in a proven program of transformation for those most stigmatized and misunderstood patients of yours.


If that is so, then you are invited to apply for an incredible journey both into yourself as the heart felt practitioner that you are as well as for the release of these needless issues from your patients lives.


There are some practical things that you need to know about this training apprenticeship that is most likely different than anything else you have ever experienced before.


For one thing, we are going to have some diagnosed sex addicts for you to gain real live experience working with using the Kellner-Zinck Addictiions Clearing Technique who have paid to have this work done by you.

This training is an apprenticeship in the sense that you are going to have access to me via phone ONLY to answer any questions that come up as you are working with your own patients once you return to your practice. It was access of this sort of ongoing training with my trainers back in 2003 and 2004 that was the greatest help to me, to gain the insights and understandings necessary to match the correct technique with the correct issue the client was facing.


There is going to be a 6 month weekend where all the trainees will get together with me where we will be sharing what we learned and where you will learn some deeper techniques based on the context that will best serve the participants of that weekend.


NOTE: This is limited to 24 licensed mental health professionals due to the ongoing support I am including with this very special package where you will learn:

  • the physiological reason why the sexually addictive become that way, it is not what many believe it is
  •  how to choose those patients that are ready for this type of intensive work from those who are not yet ready to do this work
  • how to use the mind of your patients in the way it was created to work
  • a proven process that has over decade of success with patients never falling back into their addiction.
  • how to use non-invasive methods to successfully clear the addiction from your sexually addicted patients.
  • how to teach your sexually addictive patients the boundaries they will need to learn, to form “normally- attached” relationships.
  • how to get your married sex addicts back to their wives and families while letting go of their addiction forever.
  • And much more in this two week intensive training.

For the price of $9,999.00  you will be invited to enjoy an exceptional experience including 14 Intensive days of training with your colleagues from August 18 - September 1, 2015 in Beautiful Big Bear, CA. which includes:

  1. Room and board in a beautiful natural environment.
  2. Access to outdoor activities such as swimming, kayaking, nature hikes
  3. A graduation party for those who pass the requirements to use the Kellner-Zinck Addictions Clearing Technique
  4. The follow-up weekend mastermind 6 months later, TBA
  5. Telephone support for 6 months with me to answer any questions you may have in integrating this work into your practice.
  6. Two books Wake Up Doctor & Do I Have a Sex Addiction? Now What? (Hardcopy)
  7. Your hardcopy manual
  8. Any other supplies you will need for your training.

Be sure to bring the following to the training:

  • You will need to bring inquisitive, insightful self.
  • Clothes for your training.
  • Clothes for fun activities
  • Sun screen
  • Bathing suit
  • Sneakers and/or hiking shoes
  • Professional clothes for your work with your patient
  • A photo of yourself as a baby or young child
  • An up to date photo of yourself

My promise to you in return for taking this exceptional training, is to guarantee your success in implementing these tools and techniques in such a manner that your patients will be able to fully clear their sex addiction, so long as they complete the treatment procedure. My promise to every patient who comes on board is world class care by the world class trainees who are participating in this first ever offered training apprenticeship, YOU!   

In order to make this guarantee, I have to stand 1,000% behind the work we will be doing, confident in the knowledge that you will be able to achieve the same stunning results that I have in the past 10 years of my practice working with these very special people.

  I personally love working with sex addicts and am on a mission to train as many people as I can to help them heal their lives with healthy relationships and happy fulfilled lives moving forward .

Are you willing to join me on this crusade?

Here are the mindsets that I need you to have if you are interested in moving forward with this opportunity:  

  1.  I need your contact information.
  2. "A can do and will do“ attitude
  3. Respect for the patients that DVH, Inc. brings on board to be healed in “real time” as you work through the initial part of your apprenticeship.
  4. A willingness to understand that the training room is for training and therefore ALL your electronic technology is to be left outside the training room. You will have the mornings to yourself as well as after 8 PM most evenings with which to use your technology. If that isn’t good enough for you, then this training is most likely not for you.
  5. You need to be open to applying the theory that you learned in conventional mental health training while leaving their methodology behind JUST during this training.
  6. You will need to understand that there is a reason for every thing that is going on in the training and if anything comes across as going against your beliefs and values in some fashion, that you have the responsibility to yourself and to everyone else in the training, including your trainer to bring the matter to someone who can help you to find the appropriate solution for you.
  7. If you have any issues with what you may consider legal ramifications to your learning the Kellner-Zinck Addiction Clearing Technique in this manner, then this training is most likely not for you.
  8. If during the first two days of training you need to discontinue for any reason 80% of the cost of this training will be immediately returned to you.
  9. All conversation during the training is going to be from front to back, Meaning, that there is no discussion except for during the question and answer periods and right after you work with each technique.
  10. There will be both a practical test and a written exam before any certificate will be given to a trainee upon the completion of this     program. This is to ensure that the practitioners of Kellner-Zinck Addiction Clearing Technique have everything they need to be     successful in their employment of this technique.
  11. The patients will be choosing which practitioner with whom they would like to work.
  12. You will be signing a waiver allowing us to videotape you as participants in the program.
  13. No taping or videotaping of this program is permitted by the trainees or patients.

Our commitment to you is:  

  1. Offering you the highest quality training, with a proven system that works.  
  2. Doing whatever it takes to ensure that you understand and assimilate what you’re learning in order to apply the Kellner-Zinck Addictions Clearing Technique into your practice.  
  3. Maintaing the highest level of confidentiality at all times.  
  4. Showing up fully, in service to any needs of yours and the patients that may arise.  
  5. Holding you accountable for your wisdom and abilities, even when you may not feel so sure yourself.  
  6. Being in integrity at all times, holding myself and my team to an equally high standards as your trainer and coaches.  
  7. Holding high standards for you and helping you to resolve and move beyond whatever may not be in alignment with your brilliance.  
  8. Providing accountability, the same way you will be providing accountability to your patients.

Because this is the very first training of this sort that I am conducting, I am offering it at a greatly discounted rate to those of you who choose to join me on this journey of creating true health and wellbeing for those who employ us to help them heal themselves.  

The regular cost of this program from the second offering of this type will be $24,999. The offer I am making for this Maiden Voyage is $9,999 for pay in full. $11,997 for 3 pay in three months of $3,999 a month to be paid in full by August 10th.  

** To be of greater service to our community, Dawning Visions Hypnosis, Inc. will be donating 10% of all proceeds to three local non-profits that work with the homeless and  addicted individuals from the ages of 12 through 25, to help them get basic needs met, their GEDs, further education, training in the work world onto competitive paying jobs and building their own businesses from scratch:    

  1. Straightways of Gardena, CA - works with addicts from 18 to 25 years old  
  2. Counseling4Kids, Torrance, CA - does in home therapy with foster kids aged 12 to 18 in Los Angeles County  
  3. City Project, Los Angeles, CA - helps homeless young adults to build their own businesses in a 46 week program

Below is a link to the application form for the program. Once we receive the application form you will be called by either myself or one of my assistants within a few days to help us to make sure this is the correct fit for you and your patients. 


* indicates required field

Here are my promised gifts to you:

[wpfilebase tag=file path='training_materials/Wake Up Doc 2nd Edition_Complete_book.pdf' /]
[wpfilebase tag=file path='training_materials/Do_I_Have_A_Sex_Addiction_Now_What_2nd_Edition.pdf' /]
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